Terms & Conditions

No purchase or repair job is ever complete without handing an invoice or a receipt. Not only a receipt or an invoice mentions the amount charged, the issue fixed and details of the customer, it mentions some terms and conditions as well. Do you have some terms and conditions you would love to mention? Well, RepairDesk has got you all covered.

Add Terms & Conditions on Receipt

RepairDesk allows you to add terms and conditions on your service receipt and thermal receipt. We understand that you would not want to hand over the same terms and conditions on both receipts. To define terms and conditions, please open the path and follow the steps given below.

Path: \Store Settings > Store > Terms and Conditions > Ticket

The tab for the Ticket is open by default. In case you want to return to ticket setting after invoice settings, click on the Ticket tab above.

  • Click on the dropdown of Service Receipt. It will open a text field for you to add any terms and conditions you want.

  • Type your terms and conditions or copy and paste from your template.

  • Once done, click on the dropdown for Thermal Receipt. This will save your terms and conditions for service receipt and open text field for thermal receipt as well.

  • Type in or copy and paste terms and conditions from your template. Once done, click anywhere on the screen and your terms and conditions will be saved. You will see a pop-up confirming your changes.

Add Terms & Conditions on Invoices

Invoices are important in cases when products are sold instead of services. They are also designed to carry terms and conditions for the ease of shop owners and customers. Follow the path below:

Path: \Store Settings > Store > Terms and Conditions > Invoice

If you are already editing terms and conditions for tickets, click on the Invoice tab on the top to switch to adding invoices. Once you have the required tab opened, follow the steps below:

  • Write all the terms and conditions in the text field opened. You can also copy and paste information if you have a template saved already.

  • Once done, click anywhere on the screen to have your terms and conditions saved. You will see a pop-up confirming your changes.

Pro Tip:

It is always good to add terms and conditions in the form of bullets or numbering list instead of adding as paragraphs. Terms and conditions added as list or bullets are easier to read and increase satisfaction and trust of your customers. 💡