Create Repair Part Variants

At times, a repair part has no variants and comes with single specification. However, in some cases, there are different specifications for the same repair part and repair shops like to have all variants of a repair part. This helps in catering customers with different repair needs.

Let's Make Variants

Creating a repair part variant in RepairDesk is as easy as it can get. However, you must ensure that the repair part has already been created before you move on to creating a variant for it. Once done, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the repair part you want to create variants for and open it for editing. Click on the checkbox for Enable Variants present on the left side of the screen.
  2. This will activate a Variant section on the top. Click on the section to open it.
  3. Click on the Add Variant button at the top right. This will open a pop up for you to select a variant from the Attribute Name dropdown.
  4. Against the selected attribute, you can choose attribute values from the designated dropdown. Click on the Generate Variants button at the bottom right of the popup.
  5. You will be able to see the variants created on the screen. Click on the Plus sign in the Quantity column to add quantity for each variant.
  6. You can even set supplier, warranty, unit price and notes. Click on the Confirm button to save settings for the variant.

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