Good Received Notes

After you have placed an order for products and items, you can sit back and wait for them to arrive. When these items arrive, you can either take a pen and paper to write the names of every product, count and check with the number of products you ordered or you can do it our way. RepairDesk has it's own way of receiving the products that you placed an order for.

We have dedicated a whole module to help you receive goods you ordered. This module is referred as Good Received Notes. You can access this module by following the link below:

Path: \Items > Supply Chain > Good Received Notes

Create GRN

Once you have opened the path given above, you can follow these steps to make a GRN:

  1. Click on Create GRN and GRN new form will be open for you to add details of the products received.
  2. Enter the PO reference number and select the name of the person who received the goods from the dropdown of Received by. Add the receiving date as well.
  3. If you have received all the goods you ordered in the PO, select  Fetch All Products from PO from the dropdown else move select Scan Each PO Items. Then scan the items and click on the Continue button.
  4. Populate all the items in GRN. If you want to receive all the items, simply click save and your inventory will be updated.
  5. If you want to add single item in GRN, you need to click on scan items and item will be added one by one.

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