Purchase Bid

As someone who buys used devices, you must have faced scenarios where you want to buy a device but the customer is not sure about your quote. Such cases require shop owners to bid for the purchase so the customer can compare with other options and select the better rate. We understand that you must be able to perform this action in RepairDesk so, we have created an option for you to bid for devices, save and share with your customer.

Purchase Bid

A purchase bid is an offer that you can send before purchasing a device. If a customer agrees to sell his device at the offered price, the device can be bought. There are two ways to send a purchase bid.

Create a Purchase Bid

When you proceed from Device’s Overview screen to add seller's declaration and invoice, you can see a button for Purchase Later at the bottom of screen. Clicking on this button will allow you to add the device along with its details, seller's details and your bidding price. These orders can be fetched under the filter of "Pending Purchases".

Purchase Bid via Add BuyBack

If you are adding a buyback through POS, the Device’s Overview screen shows two options at the end of the screen. One of those options is the Purchase Bid button, which you have to click. This will open a screen asking you to enter the name and email id of the customer. You can add a body for the email as well. Once done, click on Send Purchase Bid button at the end of the screen.

Purchase Bid via History Filter

To send a purchase bid for a device already bought, click on the BuyBack button on the POS screen. Select the filter of Pending Purchases under history filters. Click on the pending purchase you want to send the purchase order against. Add customer details (in case of a walk-in customer) or add a customer. Write relevant information in the email body and send it by pressing Send Purchase Bid button.

Now, you can bid for the devices you would love to purchase, keep their details saved, and alert the seller to increase your chances of winning the bid! 🏆