Scanning items from Market Place

Market Place Scanning

Do you think adding inventory onto your POS system is a hassle? Worry no more, Repair Desk has got you covered with its latest feature of importing items through scanning. Just scan the SKU of the product and if its from one of our partner vendors, we will be fetching all the details ourselves so you do not have to do that and can allocate your focus and attention towards your work.

Single Scan on POS

We have introduced a scanning option on Repair Desk POS which enables the users to import parts/product into the POS through scanning the SKU of the product. Once the SKU is scanned, the search begins, if the product has never been logged into Repair Desk POS, a pop up will open up enlisting all the details of the product so you don't have to add these details manually.

Follow these steps:

  1. Scan the item's SKU which is on the product and instantly Market Place will fetch the details of the product for you
  2. Now you can enter the number of stock available with you, the cost and retail price you want to set and lastly, the category you want this product to fall in
  3. You can map the item to the vertical, category, sub-category, manufacturer and devices
  4. Retail prices will be automatically populated if a retail margin is set up against a category
  5. Once you click to the create add to cart button, the item is added to the ticket and it is added in the inventory with the mapping details

Bulk Scan Import

This feature is made to further ease down the process of importing your items onto Repair Desk, using this feature importing inventory into the POS becomes hassle free as an item is just a scan away from being logged into the POS. Once the SKU of the product is scanned, the marketplace scan module fetches all the details of the product from the vendor so you do not have to. You can add hundreds of products simultaneously in a couple of minutes using this feature.

To use this feature, follow the steps below:

  1. Open POS
  2. Go to items
  3. Click on Import/Export and click on start scanning

Low Stock Report

Low Stock Report has been quite a popular features amongst our customers and in order to further enhance the functionality and provide ease to our customers. Now, you can reorder products or parts that are in low stock in merely few clicks, given that, the items low in stock are from a partnered vendor of RepairDesk. To use this feature, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Reports
  2. Go to Low Stock Report
  3. Click on the Market Place button 'Place Order'
  4. Click on Review Order Details
  5. Edit the quantity you require of the product if you want
  6. Place order
  7. You will be redirected to the vendors checkout page