Custom Fields & Device Conditions

Although RepairDesk has introduced all the necessary fields one might need for making a ticket, it empowers its customers by giving them an option to make custom fields themselves. These custom fields can be any data they want to capture regarding the device when taking it in for a repair service. Moreover, the repair shop owners can also desire to add condition of the device before and after the repair service. All this can be done in a few steps that are mentioned below.

Add Custom Fields

While you are editing a vertical, you can see the three dots button against every vertical. This button allows you to access more editing options.

  1. Click on the three dots button against the vertical of your choice.
  2. From the dropdown opened, click on the Manage Custom Fields to add or edit custom fields against the vertical.
  3. Click on the New Custom Field on the window sliding from the right side of the screen.
  4. Enter name in the designated text box and choose type from the Type dropdown. In case you select dropdown or checkbox, enter the options in the text box activated below the dropdown.
  5. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the popup screen to save the custom field.

Device Conditions

You can add repair conditions store-wide or have them for a particular vertical as well. Below are the steps you can follow to do it both ways:

  1. If you want to add a repair condition for all verticals, click on the Default Model Conditions button at the top right corner of the screen.
  2. On the screen sliding from right, click on the New Default Model Conditions button at the top right.
  3. You can add the name of the model condition you want to add and click on the Save button.
  4. You can also hide all the default model conditions by clicking on the toggle for Hide Default Conditions.
  5. To manage device condition for a specific vertical, click on the three dots button present at the end of it.
  6. Select Manage Model Condition from the dropdown. Either click on three dots button next to the previously added model condition to edit it or click on the New Model Condition button at the top right. Add name of the condition and click on the Save button.
  7. Similarly, you can also hide all the default model conditions by clicking on the toggle for Hide Default Conditions.