Managing Customers

Since customers are the true fuel of a repair shop, RepairDesk's customer module does not end at just adding a customer. RepairDesk allows you manage the customers you add by editing or deleting. There are multiple functions that you can perform to manage your customers. We will walk you through all those processes one by one. Firstly, you need to open the following path:

Path: \Customers > Manage Customers > All Customers

Apply Filters

Even though RepairDesk provides a search bar at the top right corner of the screen to make it easy for users to search their customers, it believes in making search easier. If you believe that you are searching for customers that are alike, why not make a filter for them? RepairDesk empowers you to make your search better than ever by making filters. Here are some steps you can follow:

  1. Click on the Funnel (Filter) icon at the left side of the screen. It will open a list of text boxes you can use as filters.
  2. Enter data for the text boxes you desire like First Name, Last Name, Date From and To, Customer Group and Custom Fields etc.
  3. Now, you can click on the Apply button at the bottom if it is one-time search.
  4. To save this filter for future use, click on the Hard-drive (Save) icon right next to the save button. It will open a list of icons you can choose to set for the filter. You can specify a name for the filter as well. When done, click on the Save button to save the filter.
  5. To edit a filter, click on its icon placed on the left side and update the fields as desired. Click on the Save button to save all the updates.

Manage a Customer

Managing a customer can be tricky if your POS is not designed smartly. Lucky for you, RepairDesk is designed smartly keeping everything you need in mind. You have to follow the same path given above. You will be able to view a list of all the customers added by you previously. If you want to delete a customer, simply click on the Bin (Delete) option given against it. In case you want to edit its details, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the customer you would want to edit and click on the Pen (Edit) icon against it.
  2. From the right side of the screen, you can add tags, change first and last name, edit contact details, edit additional information and add or modify custom fields.
  3. You can also turn on or off the notification alter for the opened profile by click on the toggle at the bottom left. Once done, you can click on the Update button placed at the bottom.

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View Details

The best thing about RepairDesk's customer management is that you can see all the details of the customer, invoices, tickets, special ordered parts, and do much more. How would you do this all? Follow the path given in the first section and then follow the steps below:

  1. On the Overview tab, you can view all the activity done against a customer including comments and notifications.
  2. Click on the Add Activity button at the right corner of the screen. If you want to add notes, add them in the text box and click on the Post button. In case you want to send notifications, change to the Notify Customer tab. Add the desired text in the textbox and select the desired notification from the dropdown. Click on the Send Email / Send button at the bottom when done.
  3. You can switch to the Tickets tab from the top to view all the tickets opened against the customer. Similarly, switching to the Invoices tab will show all invoices generated for the customer.
  4. The Special Ordered Items tab shows special parts or products ordered for the specific customer.

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