

RepairDesk provides their users the ease of handling their accounting through our in built Chart of Accounts and various reports. However, for further ease of some of our users; we have now introduced RepairDesk’s integration with QuickBooks. QuickBooks is an accounting software with their expertise in handling account management. Our integration with QuickBooks will provide the users with a great way to keep track of their invoicing and accounting.

Some of the Benefits of the QuickBooks integration Include

  1. Automatically sync your RepairDesk invoices with QuickBooks.
  2. Link your inventory and payments with QuickBooks to stay up to date.
  3. Create invoices, store data on cloud and sync with the inventory in a matter of clicks.
  4. Steer your repair business in the right direction by accounting for all financial transactions.
  5. Keep track of your invoices and transactions to effectively manage your invoices.

How to Set up QuickBooks

Log in to your RepairDesk account and head over to the integrations section. You can look through all the integrations or just click on the accounting tab to narrow it down.

You can click on set up which would take you to the integration’s configuration or set up page where you will have the ability to connect your QuickBooks account to the RepairDesk account.

Clicking on connect would redirect you to the QuickBooks login page where you can provide your QuickBooks credentials to connect your QuickBooks account to your RepairDesk account.


  1. It is important to have a QuickBooks account, you will not be able to connect without one.
  2. This integration works with the cloud version of QuickBooks and not with the desktop version.

Once you have logged in to your QuickBooks account, you will be connected and have the ability to configure your account.

Configuring your QuickBooks Integration.

Once you have your integration connected with RepairDesk you can customize it as you would like to. You can have the data mapped according to the fields we have provided into the dropdown sections.

You will be able to map the accounts from your RepairDesk invoices to QuickBooks directly. Syncing will be based on when an invoice is created with in your RepairDesk account. We have specified the best accounts to use for maximum efficiency for your accounts handling.

  1. Account for Inventory Assets: Inventory Asset
  2. Account for Purchases: Cost of Goods Sold

You will have the ability to choose to map your accounts in categories broken down as well if you select the “Enable mapping of categories with the COGS account”.

You can check the sync inventory based on purchases. This would map the changes after you complete an order from your supplier using the Goods Received Notes (GRN).

  1. Account for Sales: Sales

You will have the ability to choose to map your accounts in categories broken down as well if you select the “Enable mapping of categories with the Chart of Accounts”.

  1. Select Tax Class: GST, VAT, etc. (depending upon your business requirements)

Mapping Payment Types

You will see separate payment types that you have created in repairdesk on the left hand side and you can specify if you want to handle your different payment method accounts as well. You can create new payment methods in RepairDesk and you can also create accounts for separate payment methods in QuickBooks.

More Features

In order to provide our customers with an easy to use and all out experience, we have included specific actions and new additional features to help with the QuickBooks integration. You will find these changes in Invoices, Items, Customers and your GRNs.


Whenever you create an invoice, and collect a payment against it; that invoice will be synced and created in your QuickBooks account. It would also create the customer with their information and the item with the item information on QuickBooks. However, if you want to manually sync an item to QuickBooks you have the option to do it through a Sync with QuickBooks trigger in the item information. The Stock Quantity will be managed simultaneously in RepairDesk and QuickBooks.

This check will be off by default and you would have to manually turn it on for an item.


Similar to the syncing of items, we also have the syncing of customers from RepairDesk to QuickBooks. You will now see an option to enable syncing for a customer manually from RepairDesk to QuickBooks, if you would like to.

Similar to Items, this option would also be off by default.


After the integration with QuickBooks has been successfully set up, your invoices will begin syncing automatically. Under Manage Invoices you can also see the sync status of your RepairDesk invoices. The following statuses will be visible:

  1. Completed: Invoices has been successfully synced with QuickBooks.
  2. In Queue: Invoices have been lined up in the queue for syncing.
  3. Pending: These invoices have not yet been sent to the queue for syncing.
  4. Failed: The syncing has failed due to some reason and you would have to manually retry sync with QuickBooks.

You can also search specifically for QuickBooks Invoices based on their features. You will be able to filter for the statuses.

You will have the ability to click on a single invoice and sync that manually as well. We have provided a new action to sync with QuickBooks manually.

Frequently asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. How many requests can QuickBooks process at a time?

A. QuickBooks can process 200 requests per minute, whether they are customer, inventory or invoice requests. If you are syncing a large amount of data for your inventory, customers or invoices, QuickBooks will take some time to sync them.

Q. How are inventory items and customers synced with QuickBooks?

A. Our QuickBooks integration with RepairDesk primarily syncs based on your invoices. When an invoice is synced with QuickBooks, the integration checks if the customer or inventory item already exists in QuickBooks. If it doesn't exist, it is then added to QuickBooks.

Q. Can I add two different customers with the same name?

A. Yes. Customers with the same names can be added to QuickBooks no problem. However, in order to differentiate these two customers, their Customer ID in RepairDesk will be added after their name, so that they can be distinguished easily and the system doesn't mix them up.

Q. Can I add a line item discount?

A. Our integration with QuickBooks considers overall discount instead of line item discounts. If the items in your invoices have line item discounts, the integration is smart enough to add these line items under a separate line item called Discount with a negative sum, so that your amounts are not affected and the discount is accounted properly.

Q. Can I add multiple tax classes for different items in an invoice?

A. In RepairDesk, you can select different tax classes for different invoices while creating an invoice. However, while using the QuickBooks integration, only a single tax class should be applied throughout the invoice. The integration will detect if a tax class is applied or not. We strongly advise that you use the same tax class for all items in such invoices.

Q. Does this integration works with QuickBooks Basic?

A. At present, our integration works only with QuickBooks Plus.

Q. Will an invoice with a pending payment be synced with QuickBooks?

A. Yes. Invoices with pending payments will be synced with your QuickBooks account, but once the invoice is synced and you update the invoice in RepairDesk, then you'll need to update the invoice in QuickBooks manually.

Q. Can I map multiple payment methods with a single QuickBooks payment method?

A. Yes. You can map multiple payment methods with a single QuickBooks payment method. To do this, you'll need to select the same payment method for each payment method as shown in the reference image below.

In case of a split payment, if you have selected the respective payment method, then it will be synced to QuickBooks.

Q. How can I create a payment method using QuickBooks?

A. Log in to your QuickBooks account, then click on Settings tab, and select Products and Services.

Once here, click on All Lists.

Finally, click on the Payment Method tab to create your new payment methods.

Q. Refunded invoices are synced with QuickBooks or not?

A. No, those invoices which are refunded are not synced with QuickBooks, for that you need to manage them manually.

Q. Does Inventory Quantity get synced with QuickBooks?

A. Yes, The description, name and quantity for inventory are synced with QuickBooks.