Sales Summary Report

It is always a good idea to be aware of your sales. It helps you make informed decisions about your purchases, discount offers, marketing strategies and much more. However, it can be really tough to go page by page in your sales register and check every sale you made. These things can be made easier with a smart POS. Fortunately, RepairDesk is the smartest POS you could ever ask for.

Get Sales Summary Report

RepairDesk enables shop owners to view sales report by applying various filters. These filters include tenure in terms of today, yesterday, this week, this month and more. The user can view details like store name, earnings from repairs, unlocking, product sales, trade-ins, miscellaneous, and total sales. In terms of cash outflow, one can view refunds, discounts, and COGS. To view the report, follow the path below:

Path: \Reports > Sale Reports > Sales Summary

  1. Once opened, if you have more than 1 repair store, you can select the repair store to view its sales summary by clicking on the Select Store dropdown at the top left. Click on the repair store's name to view its sales report.
  2. View sales done by a particular employee by clicking on the Select Employee dropdown and clicking on the name of the desired employee.
  3. You can either set date from the Date calendar given at the top of the screen or select filters of date from the top of the summary. Every time you select a filter, click on the Run Report button at the right corner of the screen to apply changes.
  4. You can download report in CSV and PDF format from the designated buttons given at the top. Moreover, you can print the report by clicking on the Print button.

Sales by Item Report

You can also get a report depicting sales history of a particular item. Fetching this report is as easy as fetching the Sales Summary Report. Follow the path and the steps below:

Path: \Reports > Sale Reports > Sales by Item Report

  1. You can select the store in case you have multiple stores by clicking on the Select Store dropdown and clicking on the desired store.
  2. Select the type of the device by clicking on the Type dropdown and choosing the device of your choice.
  3. Set the date for the report tenure through the Date dropdown or from the filters present at the top of the report.
  4. To select the criteria, click on the Criteria dropdown and apply the filter of your choice.
  5. Click on the Run Report button every time you apply a filter or change the settings in the dropdowns.
  6. You can download the report either in excel or PDF by clicking on the designated buttons at the top right corner of the screens. Download the report by clicking on the Print button in the top right corner.