Why RepairDesk?

Running a repair shop can be challenging at times, and a minor mistake can bring everything down. This calls for the need for a partner that can support the owner in every possible way. In the digital world, we are living, what can be a better partner than a Repair Point of Sale? It is the partner every repair shop deserves and must have. Some years ago, the market did not have a lot of POS software; however, you can find dozens of them. It is fair for you to be confused so, what if we save you from the struggle of the hunt?

RepairDesk – Your Dream POS

RepairDesk is the one answer to all of your growing repair business needs. It is a POS designed keeping everyday processes and tasks of the repair businesses in mind. Let it be creating and managing tickets, managing customers, planning for customer retention, paying for utility or items purchased, creating purchase orders, or managing employees; RepairDesk has always gotten your back. If you are looking for software that can digitalize your whole shop and its processes inside out, RepairDesk is what you would love to try.

Benefits of RepairDesk

While some shops in the repair world still live with pen and paper, you must opt for digitalization to ensure your existence. It doesn't mean that you must settle for anything you get exposed to. RepairDesk is a blend of outstanding features and functionalities aimed to make you stand out. Not only would you be able to ensure your existence, but be successful like you once dreamt. Here are the benefits of signing up with RepairDesk:

Access from Anywhere

Let's imagine you are on a trip, but how would you enjoy your free time while you are worrying about your store? This is where RepairDesk comes into the picture to handle your stress. As it is a Cloud-based POS, it makes it easy for you to access it from any corner of the world at any time. All you need to have are a stable internet connection and log-in details.

Managing Your Employees

RepairDesk believes in making a family, not just winning customers. We understand that your family does not end with you so, it allows you to add as many employees as you want. You can assign tasks to them, define a hierarchy, decide commission, check their sign-in and sign-out, and see their success rate at assigned tasks.

Managing All Customers

A repair shop runs because of its customers, and their satisfaction is of utmost importance. RepairDesk digitalizes customer management for you by enabling you to add new customers, edit previously added customers, categorize them in groups, allow third-party billing, view listing, and much more. Streamlining customer management will make your customer happiest and most satisfied like never.

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Notifications for Customers

It is understandable that updating customers regarding their tickets can be frustrating at times. RepairDesk allows you to create various email and SMS templates or use the pre-existing ones for multiple scenarios. Moreover, in-store notifications are important and supported by RepairDesk. The owner or any selected email ID is sent notifications against every selected activity.

Adding Store Services

Since no repair store is complete without some repair services, you can add various services in RepairDesk. These services can be linked with issues, products meant to be used during the repair, charges for the service, and much more.

Convenient Inventory Management

Your inventory must always be full to address customers' needs. With RepairDesk, you can set alerts for every product to notify you when you must order new items. You can decide to put tax against every item, decide low count, make serials, add variants, and much more.

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Purchase BuyBack Products

Apart from new products, repair shops mostly have a counter designated for pre-owned devices. RepairDesk understands your desire to deal in buybacks so, it allows you to purchase buyback such products, repair them, and put them out for selling.

Create Repair Tickets

You can easily create tickets using RepairDesk and add customer details like name, address, phone number, email address, and enter a discount, if any. You can even fetch customer details from the existing customer listing. You can add products and services to the ticket along with internal and external notes.

Creating Invoice

One step that is common in repairs and product selling is creating an invoice. You can easily create an invoice for a product or service via RepairDesk. The true promise of ease is fulfilled as you can even create an invoice directly while closing a ticket, add discounts, make changes and receive money.

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Making Affordable Bundles

RepairDesk allows store owners to make affordable yet profitable bundles for the customers. A bundle can have service and product or product and product. You can enter any preferable price, change applied tax, decide a name for the bundle and even edit it later.

Make Purchase Order

Whenever stock runs low or special order is needed, one always heads towards purchasing. Since it is an everyday task, it must never be difficult. RepairDesk allows the users to create a purchase order for a new item, generate PO from a low-stock alert, order a one-time part from a ticket, and manage purchase orders already made.

Integrations with Giants

It is hectic to switch between different applications for payments, order parts, sort out finances, and maintain an internal Wiki. RepairDesk offers integrations for all of these services and some more integrations, making it easier for you to run a repair shop!

Packages and Pricing

No two repair shops are alike so, RepairDesk has introduced multiple packages for you to choose from. Every package is designed keeping different needs of repair shop owners in mind. If you are intrigued to know more, here are the details:


Lite+ is aimed for small businesses aiming to provide exceptional services to its customers. It allows the owner to make 1 employee account and unlimited customers. Restriction comes only in creating 75 tickets and invoices per month. Since these small shops do not have a lot of budget, Lite+ comes at an affordable rate of $50.


This package is designed for the shops that have high volume of customers. It allows the owners to make 4 employee accounts with unlimited tickets, invoices and customers every month. All of this comes at an easy to pay rate of $75.


Enterprise is the package meant for the giants focusing on growing more. This package comes with the liberty to add as many as 10 employee accounts with unlimited tickets, invoices, and customers. Store owners can gain access to it for $125 per month.

Are you wondering if it can get even better? Well it does, RepairDesk offers a 5% off on paying fee on yearly basis. We can ensure that with RepairDesk by your side, running a repair shop will become the tastiest piece of cake for you. 🍰