More About Repair Tickets

A repair shop revolves around creating repair tickets. Let’s imagine a customer walks in with a broken phone screen and asks you to repair it. Your first instinct always would be to create a repair ticket against the repair. In another scenario, a customer walking in with a phone with some undefined issue would request you to create a repair ticket to diagnose the problem and fix it. You can imagine dozens of scenarios, and we guarantee the majority of them would require you to create repair tickets.

What is a Repair Ticket?

By now, you must be aware of the importance of a repair ticket, but what exactly is a repair ticket? A repair ticket is more like an order sheet to include customer details, product details, issues, and the decided solution. Some of the elements that a repair ticket has include:

  1. Customer’s Name
  2. Customer’s Contact Details
  3. Device Name
  4. Device Details like Model, IMEI, and Color, etc
  5. PIN Code or Password
  6. Issue Details
  7. Service Provided
  8. Items Used for Repair

When it comes to a POS, the ticketing system composes the heart and soul of it. If your repair POS has this module right, you are already on your way to achieving a peaceful life at your repair shop. The question, however, is how does RepairDesk's ticketing module makes your life easy?🤔🤔