Create a Repair Service

You can create repair services from items listing.

Create a Specific Service

To create a service,

  1. Click on **Add Item → Add Services**
  2. You can either quickly create a service from the pop up or click on **Additional Info** to add service information.
  3. Enter **General** Information for the service like service name, vertical, brand and model
  4. Enter **Pricing** Information where you can mark the service as fixed or hourly.
  5. Enter **Additional** Information i.e. warranty and job time.
  6. You can **link the parts** based on the model with the service.
  7. **Save** the service and you are good to go!

Create a General Service

Let's say you want to create a generic service, which is used against every brand and model like a diagnosis. To create it, follow these steps.

  1. Enter the service name and enable the **use for multiple models** toggle.
  2. To create a generic service against all the models, click on **use for all models** toggle.
  3. You can enter the **pricing** and **additional info** from here as well.
  4. **Save** the general service and it will be displayed against every model of the selected brand in the system.