Payment Methods

Repair shops aiming to provide a seamless experience to their customers offer more than one payment methods. Even though the world is moving towards chips and cards, a lot of people still prefer to use cash. Since, the payment priorities of every customer is different, you must be able to tackle them. RepairDesk allows you offer multiple payment options to your customers.

Add a Payment Method

You can add multiple payment options for your repair shop. Follow the path and the steps below to perform this action:

Path: \ Settings > Store > Payment Methods

  1. Click on the +Add New Payment Method button at the right side of the screen.
  2. Add a name for your new payment method.
  3. Turn on the toggle for Display on POS to have this payment method appear on the POS.
  4. To generate a reference ID for the payment method, turn on the toggle for it.
  5. When done, click on the Save button at the bottom right of the screen.

Edit a Payment Method

RepairDesk enables you to edit the existing payment methods according to your needs. Follow the path given above and perform the following steps:

  1. Choose the payment method you want to edit. If you want to remove it from the POS, turn off the toggle given for it.
  2. Click on the three dots button at the end of the desired payment method. Select the Delete option if you want to delete it.
  3. Select the Edit option from the dropdown of the three dots button to edit the method.
  4. A window from the right side will slide in. Change the name or status of the toggles as per your need.

The secret for a business to be successful is to cater and care for its customers as much as possible. Show your care for your customers by offering them multiple payment methods.💰