Import Products

There are times when you sign up with RepairDesk and already have a list of products to display or you want to make changes to multiple products and don't want have much time to spare. We know you dislike sitting for hours and typing details of all the products and doing multiple clicks. The best solution we have for you is to import all these products via a single sheet! How? Let's walk you through it.

Import Your Products

Begin by opening the path below and then proceed with the steps given:

Path: \Items > Manage Items > Products

  1. Click on the Import/Export button present at the right top corner of the screen.
  2. To download the sample file, click on the Download Sample File dropdown at the right corner of the screen. Click on the type of file you would like to download. If you have the file already, you can skip this step.
  3. Open the downloaded file and enter all the data in the columns. Save it when you are done.
  4. Go to the Product Import page again and click on the cloud-upload image present in the Upload Item Data section and upload the edited document.
  5. Click on the Next Step button in the right side of the screen.
  6. The next screen allows you to select where variables to map the entered values. Even though RepairDesk maps these values for you but you can change mapping, if required. Use the dropdowns available in front of every information to change mapping.
  7. Click on the Next Step button placed at the right side of the screen.
  8. See the overview of the mapped information on the new screen. Review the information and click on the Confirm Import button at the right side of the screen. In case you want to make some changes, click on the Back button placed next to Confirm Import button.
  9. On the new popup screen, click Confirm button to proceed with importing products.

Import Your Products with Variants

There is a possibility that you have multiple variants of a product in your store. This requires you to create different variants of the same product. Have you ever thought the steps you might be taking for it? If not, we would recommend you to open the path shared before and follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on the Import/Export button present at the right top corner and download the sample file by clicking on the Download Sample File dropdown at the right corner of the screen.
  2. Open the downloaded file and enter all the data in the columns. Every row will make a new variable of the product name you enter. For example, start by entering name of the product as Samsung and model as S8. Now, entering variable 1 and variable 2 as color and size with pink and 126 Gb as values respectively will create a variant of Samsung S8 with pink color and size of 126 Gb. Save it when you are done.
  3. Head to your store on RepairDesk and click on the cloud-upload image present in the Upload Item present in the Product Import page.
  4. Upload the edited document and click the Next Step button in the right side of the screen.
  5. Use the next screen to map the entered values on variables of your choice. Use the dropdowns available in front of every information to change mapping.
  6. Click on the Next Step button placed at the right side of the screen.
  7. See the overview of the mapped information on the new screen. Review the information and click on the Confirm Import button at the right side of the screen. In case you want to make some changes, click on the Back button placed next to Confirm Import button.
  8. On the new popup screen, click Confirm button to proceed with importing products.

Pro Tips:

Please ensure you keep these pro tips in your mind while editing the file:

  1. The second row in sheet contains  an overview of the information you should enter in the rows below. Don't edit this row or your file will be rejected when uploaded.
  2. Name of the product is a mandatory field.
  3. You can't add new rows or columns in the sheet as information from the would not be pulled by RepairDesk.
  4. Each row creates a variant of the product based on the variants and values filled.
  5. Adding no information regarding a variant will make a simple product with no variants.