Cash Activity Report

RepairDesk enables its users to manage cash inflow and outflow smartly by mapping physical cash drawers to virtual cash registers. This makes it easy for them to keep track of money and plan its expenditure well. However, to keep track of money it must be organized and kept well. For this purpose, RepairDesk offers cash activity report to the shop owners. This report carries a lot of information about cash inflow and outflow and can be fetched at any time of any day.

Get Cash Activity Report

You can view cash activity report and perform certain actions by following the link below and the steps provided as well.

Path: \Reports > Overview > Cash Register Activity

  1. In case you have multiple cash registers, you can choose the one you want to view by clicking on +Register.
  2. Next, you can select an employee whose cash activity you want to view by clicking on the +Employee and select the desired employee from the dropdown.
  3. You can view cash activity against different payment methods. To select payment methods of your choice, click on the +Payment Method button. Click on the payment methods of your choice to apply the filter.
  4. You can set date by clicking on the Date filter or clear all filters by clicking on the Clear All button next to the Date filter.
  5. You can export the file in the CSV format or print it by clicking on the given buttons on the top right side of the screen.